The Discovery Feed a great way to promote and feature your products! You can add promo codes and retailers can shop directly from the Discovery Feed as well! 


How to create a post for the Discovery Feed

Click on Discovery Feed 


Click on Create Post


Now you can create your custom Discovery Feed Post

  • Caption: Put brief, fun description about your product.
  • Image: Add a beautiful lifestyle image for the product you want to feature
  • Add Link to Post: Copy and Past the URL from your product that you are featuring
  • Add Promo Code: You can add any promo codes that you have created here. If you have not created any, simply click Create Promo Code. Learn about Creating Promo Codes.
  • Add Products to Post: Click on the image of your product and choose from the drop down menu the correct product you are featuring. If you have multiple products in the image, you can choose those as well. 



Once you've add all information, press Preview Post


This how your post will look in the Discovery feed, if you're happy with how it looks, press Publish post. 

Congratulations! You've made your first Discovery feed post! We recommend posting on the discovery feed at least once a week to get the maximum exposure for your brand.

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