We offer Net-15 payout terms to brands and Net-60 payment terms to retailers. Every order is a firm sale for you!

All orders are non-refundable except in cases of damaged, mismatched description, poor quality, etc.


Net-15 terms mean that you will be paid out for your orders 15 days after they have been shipped.

You must enter the order's shipping information on the platform in order to calculate your payout date.


We wanted to provide a solution that helped other retailers discover the best inventory possible so they could spend more wisely, make more money, and delight their customers with products they truly loved. Retailers are business owners too, and we want to help them grow and succeed.

Linked below are our full terms and agreements contract, which are signed by all Brands and Retailers upon acceptance onto the Bulletin Platform.


Bulletin Platform Terms of Service 

Bulletin Platform Standard Commercial Terms 

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