Congratulations on your recent order with an international retailer! Please follow the steps below to fulfill this order through the platform.
Communication is key!
- Many Canadian retailers have a preferred shipping carrier from the US, so we highly recommend reaching out to them via the Bulletin Messaging Feature to see if they have a preferred carrier or any special delivery requests.
Tariff Codes
- Please review the tariff codes that apply to the products you will be shipping. You can find tariff code information here. You will also need to have the individual product weights available when creating a shipping label.
Packing and Shipping
- Print the Bulletin packing slip and include it in the package being sent, as you would with an order from a US retailer. A commercial invoice is required for each order. Your shipping carrier will provide you with a commercial invoice when you create a shipping label, and you can. You will need three copies of this commercial invoice.
- One copy goes inside your shipment
- One copy goes on the outside in an airbill pouch with the shipping label
- One copy must be provided to the driver when you drop off the package
Each product description on the commercial invoice will contain a description of the product, tariff code, the reason for export/intended use of the product, country where the product was manufactured.
For International Brands fulfilling orders to US retailers:
You will be able to create a commercial invoice via the service carrier you choose. For example, if you select the shipping country as 'international'. The carrier will prompt you to fill out the commercial invoice documents in relation to the order. The most important part of this is the value declared and the reason for shipment, which would be the Sale of Goods.
The United States does not charge import duties on orders valuing under $850 USD.
Two common international shipping carriers are DHL and Canada Post, which both have their commercial invoice forms via an online label-making portal.